Hit the Trails

After taking on the hills of Central Park in the Oakley Mini 10K on Saturday, I thought my legs would be a lot more shredded than they were when I woke up on Sunday! So when the urge to move hit me bright and early, Mike and I decided to take advantage of the shade at Holmdel Park and headed for the trails.


It was already a hot day just like Saturday – warm and humid by 10am – but we packed up a few water bottles and some Nuun and Quest Bars and figured we’d take it slow. I didn’t plan on running a lot, but knew I wanted to cover 5K to complete 15K in the weekend and get a nice distance in for the Skirt Sports Virtual 13er, too! So we took to the main trail and chatted about life and the week ahead and had a nice slow go of the first mile and change.


We even made a little friend who we caught eating in the tall grass in the middle of the field there! She stood statue-still the entire time we walked by and talked pretty to her, but the next time we passed by she was gone.

Once we got tired of fighting through the swarms of bugs on the main trail, we decided to go into the woods for some relief from the gnats and the sun, and it was absolutely magical.


Seriously, can’t you just hear the Disney birds chirping?

We took on the hills, rocks, roots, and twisty trails together, working up a sweat and smiling the whole time. My favorite part was looking for the oldest tree carvings we could find – we spotted one from 1970! – and imagining the stories around the people whose names were carved into the bark.


Once we got to mile 2.5, we started challenging ourselves at each “Fit Station” we found – old plastic signs and metal bars for hikers to do pull ups, lunges, stretches and climbing. We got more of a workout laughing at how chicken we were to do some of the more intense moves (and how silly we looked flailing around while attempting them)!


I finally felt the urge to run for the last half mile and change, so I jetted up and down some hills and capped off our day’s adventure at a little more than a 5K – all in my Gym Girl skirt from Skirt Sports! I know I’ve said it before, but these skirts really are the best. I ran the Oakley 10K in one and spent all day traipsing around the trails in one Sunday, and never once had to tug at the shorts underneath or stop to adjust myself like I would in regular shorts or other running skits. If you’re interested in checking them out for yourself, use my ambassador code SSJRH20 for 20% off your order!


After all that fun, my legs were finally feeling the burn. So we headed home, split a nice big sandwich, and after a loooong cool shower I spent a good part of the afternoon dozing off on the couch before we finally went to see Mad Max: Fury Road! 🙂

How did you guys spend the rest of your weekend? Do you have any fun trails that you like to run on? Share the love, I’m always looking for a new place to explore!

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