I Promise I’m Still Here…

… although my lack of recent posts may lead you to believe otherwise!


With the Rebel Challenge coming up in about 3 weeks (EEK!) I’ve been training relatively hard. In addition to the usual mileage, I’ve incorporated 2 or 3 boot camp classes each week at Bulldog Strength & Conditioning, and I’m noticing a difference already.

My long runs this training cycle have all been SUPER consistent, which is huge for me. In previous cycles my paces would vary wildly, but I’ve managed to stay solidly between 11:35-11:41/mile, and I’m thrilled with that. That will pay off in a big way when I hit the streets of Disney next month: knowing that I’ve got these paces in me when I’ll be stopping every mile or two for photo ops (and slowing my overall time down by doing so) boosts my confidence that I’ll be able to make up for lost time when I’m actually running.


I also did something different this cycle: before each long run, I write out a list of people to dedicate each mile to. People I’ve lost, people who inspire me, people who mean something to me – every mile I focus on a new person to keep my mind sharp and to keep mental fatigue at bay. And it works! I’ve seen other folks do this and am glad I tried it. While it’s not a guarantee (in the last 2 miles of my 10 last weekend I still fell apart mentally), it definitely helps.

Also, the boot camp classes have been helping not just with my overall strength – i.e. it’s easier to carry groceries up the stairs – but with my endurance and my confidence too. Feeling strong is an empowering thing. And even though I’m not lifting as heavy or moving as fast as some of my classmates, they’re all super supportive. Plus, the instructors are the most helpful people I’ve ever worked with.


Also, we sometimes have mimosas while power lifting. #mygymisthecoolest

In other news, we TRIED to do the Philly Ugly Sweater Run last weekend but Mother Nature decided to throw some ice, sleet, and snow at us (and didn’t wake up the plowing or salting guys) so after almost 2 hours of slipping and sliding on the roads to get there we decided it wasn’t worth crashing for and went out for breakfast instead. But only after posing for one super fun picture in the middle of the snow!


We’ll have our OWN run instead this weekend, on Christmas Eve. And yes the outfits will be worn again. I can’t wait!

And of course because I can’t let one hour go by without talking about Star Wars, last Thursday, our company had its holiday party and I got to wear my Santa Yoda sweater, and then we went to an early showing of Rogue One later that night – it was fantastic! I won’t spoil anything here but if you’ve seen it and want to chat about it, PLEASE let me know. I think my husband is a little tired of me rolling over as we’re about to fall asleep with a new idea or theory or revelation after watching the film.


And that about wraps it up for me! How is your holiday season going? Are you excited for the new year? Tell me all about it, let’s end 2016 on a high note!

How Bootcamp is Changing My Game

Since the reality finally hit me that I will be running 19.3 miles over 24 hours in less than 6 weeks (and 26.2 miles around the City of New York in less than 12 months!), I’ve decided to step up my fitness game, one month at a time.

This month, I joined Bulldog Strength and Conditioning for a month of bootcamp/ Crossfit-style classes, with the goal of upping my overall endurance and strength training game in the home stretch before my next half marathon and spring race season.


My friend Kevin found this place about a month ago to get us ahead of the holiday weight gain by taking a drop-in class the Saturday after Thanksgiving with our friend Angela. I’ll admit: I was hesitant. I’ve done a few month-long boot camp style memberships at other gyms and while they were good workouts, I wasn’t a fan of their mentality and sometimes condescending attitudes. In some cases, the instructors cared more about socializing with the members than helping them get a good workout. Too often I’d see people sacrifice form for time and just flail around without the personal attention they should have been getting for $150+ a month – or worse, they’d get injured!

Having an injury-prone body to begin with, I like to focus on form and doing things the right way for the maximum benefit and to keep myself healthy. And it’s important to me that if I’m working with trainers, I make a personal connection with them about my fitness history and don’t feel too intimidated to ask them for help. So I went into this class with a grain of salt. But from the beginning, the owner Keith was super helpful – asking me about where we found him, what our goals were, what we were currently doing to stay active, etc. When I brought up running, he was psyched to hear about my plans for a half in January and asked me smart questions. Before we even started, I was impressed.

The class size was small; about 10 people, which was great – no crowding, plenty of time for personal interaction, and room to move. We kicked things off with a warm up that included 200M sprints, and Keith and his co-trainer were quick to point out that I should find this part easy, calling me out in front of the class – this was fun! After the warm up, they started cranking some old Alice in Chains and Nine Inch Nails music to get us into the groove, and we were off onto interval training, two workouts that we repeated two times each. The moves seemed simple at first, but after one minute on and only 15 seconds to move to the next workout, we were MOVING. My one friend had to tap out because it was so intense, and I don’t blame her – I had to pause a few times to keep my breakfast from coming up to make an appearance!


After just over 40 minutes, we finished completely spent, sweaty and shaking, and I was hooked. I hadn’t pushed myself like that in months, and it felt great. I’ve been so scared of overdoing it and not being able to run that I’ve been shortchanging myself. No more.

On the spot I decided to commit to a month with Keith and his crew. But because he’s a smart businessman and a good trainer, he was open to discussion. He understood that I couldn’t commit to a full 5x/week schedule simply because the gym is 30+ minutes away and I need to spend more time running for now, and was able to work with me on a plan that fits my schedule and my budget.

Last night I took my first class of the month and I already can’t scratch my nose without that soreness in my arms and shoulders – and I screamed when a sneeze earlier this morning made my abs work unexpectedly. But I’m pumped to see where these workouts take me in my running. Tomorrow I’ve got 7 miles to run, and another class Sunday.

It’ll be a tough schedule to stick to this month to get all of my miles in AND reap the benefits of a month of bootcamp too, but I’m committed. If I’m going to do this 26.2 thing, I’ve got to do things I’ve never done before and work harder than I ever have in any training cycle – but I’m ready!